Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Distance Healing

Some of you have asked my about Distance Healing and how it works.

First of all for anyone to receive Reiki Energy the person has to have an open mind and an open heart. They also need to be a believer. To believe that they can change and have within themselves to do do.

To receive Distance Healing, the practioner needs the name of the person, the location, the reason for the healing, ( ex: certain kind of surgery, illness, whatever it is, the person is in need of ) and they also need the consent of the person to send the healing, and again the person needs to be open minded.

When the practioner has this information, they then write on a piece of paper and they alone, or with a group ( which works much better ) draw either over the name, or in their minds eye, the Reiki Distance Healing Symbol and send their intent to the person and the purpose it is intented for.

It is the intent that is sent and by the practioner or practioners ( the inner circle ) that the person receives. How this works is the same effect as prayers given to thoes who are in need.

Distance Healing can be sent for all kinds of problem from helping healing to occur faster to helping you pet deliver their babies. There is nothing that Distance won't help with. It can also be used to be sent into the future or back to the past.

On spiritual level, we are all connected, divine law knows not time or space.

Here is an example of a Distance Healing:

On New Years Eve my inner circle was notified that one of our practioners mother was taken to the hospital with a stroke. She asked that we send distance to her for the Doctors told her that her mothers condition was very grave that she was in a comma, and if she was to awaken that she would most likely loose the ability to use her left side.

We were meeting that night for an inner circle to particpate in a world wide Distance Healing session. This was a joining of different inner circles from all over the world who together at the same time send healing to everyone on our lists. We had added our friend's mother to the list, and at the stroke of midnight we all sent Distance Healing to our list. It was about an hour later when our friend called to tell us, her mother had come out of the comma and that even though she was having a difficult time she could move her left arm and leg. The Doctor said that she would need PT but that in time she should get back most of her ability.

Today her mother is in full use of her left side.

Her mother told me later, that she had felt a warm sensation enter her body and when she woke up it was 12:01am on New Years Day.

So you see Distance Healing can be of very good use!

I Intent With Divine Love and Wisdom


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